I want to share my thoughts ......... peace moyh interests)))
And all my being kolleydoskopom ..............)))
If someone you know is interested, I am very pleased shall communicate ...................)))
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I want to share my thoughts ......... peace moyh interests)))
And all my being kolleydoskopom ..............)))
If someone you know is interested, I am very pleased shall communicate ...................)))
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And so ...........))
I love music .......... I often paint to music ........... love painting sculpture ........ ......... .
I like to go to museums ...................)))
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God knows everything. The Bible says it this way:
"And there is no creation, hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him: He will give a report." (Bible, Heb. 4:13)
God not only knows all available information, all the secrets, all the answers. But he also knows all the thoughts of all people. From Him nothing is hidden. He knows that, maybe no one else knows about me. God knows me better than I know myself.
"If our heart condemn us, how much more will God, because God is greater than our hearts and knows all things." (Bible, 1 John. 3:20)
God and the Cosmos ...............! )))
Interesting topic ..............)))
I think that it will last forever! )))
Fontazii one overlaps the other ...........)))
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Moreover, God not only knows all this, he also knows the future and the past. God created time, but He is timeless. Therefore, the future and the past for him as openly as the present. It's hard to imagine, but true. That is God.
How do you feel, knowing that God knows everything about you?
On the one hand it means that I have him always in sight. Even when I would not want anyone to see me.
One day the father and son went to the night on the field for hay. And now starting to ship hay in the cart, the father asked his son:
- Look, no one we happen to see?
A son and says:
- See.
- How? Who sees us? - Troubled father.
- God knows - calmly son.
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"God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth. If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, - we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "
So useless excuses before God, something to hide, minimize their misdeeds on someone else. Before God, you just need to admit their guilt openly and honestly. And if a person receives forgiveness and cleansing, because Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross for our sins, and He forgives us when we repent of them.
However, in the fact that God knows everything about us, there is another side. This means that He understands us like no one else. Therefore, He will never judge us unfairly. He sees not only our actions, but He knows our desires, our motives. He understands what we feel, what experience, what we dream. He knows our weaknesses, our shortcomings. And yet, He loves us. Loves us just as we are. Is not it wonderful. Is there someone else who could have so much to understand and accept.
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I understand that most people on earth do not believe in God, and if someone believes that believes on the level of the ancient pagan idolatry. Therefore, people do not need, nor the truth of God or the Word of God. Most people live in lies and deception in the sin and debauchery. Therefore, the word of God irritate sinful people. Somewhere on a subconscious level sinful people feel guilty and even fear, but do not show your fear, do not think about their future, and leave the topic of God. But God does not force anyone to believe in Him. God does not pull force, as well as I do. In God's Word, God says to man, the main principles and laws of life. That in life there are only two paths, the path of good or evil way, God or Satan, the enemy of God, the father of all lies, and the tempter ... strangler. )))
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"... The whole world lieth in wickedness ..." - God's Word says about the constant sinful state of the world. - And the Lord God sees great corruption and depravity of man on earth. And all the desires of the human mind - only evil every hour ... do. Land deteriorated before God's face. People multiplied and corrupt, and every man his life ruined road sins and evil deeds .... They are full of all sorts of lies, lies and deceit, hypocrisy live in endless disputes and hatred, slander and debauchery .... The world is filled with evil, looting, war and violence .... The land is defiled under its inhabitants, because people have violated God's laws ... eternal. Therefore, the earth curse corrode and inhabitants of the earth are in troubles and tribulations ... ".
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הומו ספיינס נקרא כך סביר, בהתחשב בכך שהיה לו את המוח, הוא מאפיין ייחודי של אדם, אבל המוח הוא תמיד חזק יותר מהמוח, במיוחד בזמננו, אנחנו יכולים לראות הרבה פעולות לא חכמות אנושיות והתנהגויות שיובילו לתוצאות בלתי רצויות ושליליות. דעה אחת היא לא מספיק לחיים נורמלים;אדם יכול להיות מומחה אינטליגנטי, משכיל, חכם, שהוכר בתחום מסוים של פעילות, ואפילו גאון, אבל היא אינה מבטיחה הסבירות שלה.
Homo sapiens is so called reasonable, given that he had the mind, is a distinctive characteristic of man, but the mind is always stronger than the mind, especially in our time, we can see a lot of unwise human actions and behaviors that lead to undesirable and negative consequences. One mind is not enough for a normal life; a person can be intelligent, educated, smart, a recognized expert in a certain field of activity, and even a genius, but it does not guarantee its reasonableness.)))
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Assessing the situation from the standpoint of reason, we can avoid a lot of mistakes and unpleasant consequences of their actions. A man with a strong mind can roughly predict your future is in your current behavior. This is one reason why you need to listen to seasoned old life - they know what actions lead to what consequences.)))
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Do I need to control their feelings, and if so, how to do it? Yes, you need a sense of control because they are voracious, and if you give them the will to no good it will not. For example, give a pleasant sensation of alcohol or drugs, people can gradually become an alcoholic or drug addict to become; indulging their sexual desires and walking "left-right", you can pick up a venereal disease; chasing the big money can be losing his mind and end up behind bars. And so on.)))
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Gives rise to serious doubts. People do not always believe in what may be something more. That is, he was not sure that the relationship or feelings have anything going on.
Clears the value of all the circumstances. The fact is that when love comes, except she did not care about the person.
Does not notice the reality at all. Man flies, and no walks. He wants to breathe the outlines of clouds, live the dream, hoping for their implementation ....
Afraid of the distance. If a person leaves a very long time - love dies. From it may not have gone.
Uses every opportunity for physical contact. Anyone who experiences love, does not think about the consequences of what can be from touching, kissing, and even sex.
Do not think about the incompatibility and compatibility. It does not matter man, whether he fits his "love." He just has a feeling of enjoying it.
Maybe a few people "to steal." A person may feel that he loves one person. A day later he will understand that experiencing feelings for another man.
Disappears instantly. Yes, if you do not develop love, there is no continuation of it. She does not like to stay too long and does not recognize the obsessions.
Comes instantly. That's .... She was, for example, a minute ago, and then people do not have time to look back as she disappears.
Lives emotions exclusively. Outbursts of emotion, happiness, joy, dreams. One continuous positive. Circumstances - is nonsense.
Euphoric desire. Man flies to their feelings, dissolved in them, ignore any warnings reality.
Dissolves any shortcomings, making them completely invisible. No booze, no smoking, no other "horrors" will not interfere with love for a man to live in the man himself.
Selfish feeling. Yes - yes! It is selfish! Feel the love - understand themselves.
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Creates huge confidence. Strong sense in which he lives and faith, and hope. They create a huge force thanks to the combination.
Lives realistic, despite the romance. People understand that there is nothing perfect and stable. But he was not afraid of such a fact.
Able to win any emotion. Brain switched on when needed, despite the rapid influx of passions.
Gives rise to the desire to create, to do good. When a man loves to go to any act capable of.
It takes a very long time, or does not pass at all. It can take years, even if hurts its "long-term".
Concentrated on one person, and not a few.
Draws attention to the compatibility.
Makes visible and negative in man. A person can be ideal for another, but the disadvantages are not lost from sight.
Stronger than any separation and any distance. Love will stand all because for her there are no barriers.
Knows caution in physical contact. Where are the children - it is a natural question. And the answer is to meditate beforehand.
Unselfish feeling that can always give. And give everything. Without looking at the "not reciprocity."
Teaches consider the circumstances. Love for much opens his eyes. But not for the purpose of separation.
Never able to hurt and injure. And if it happens like that - love will forgive and will not let go )))
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True Self - Consciousness is pure (unidentified, impersonal), simply perceiving, without thought of self, without the division of the world into opposites. This awareness is in the original, pure form. There is not even on the separation of "I" and not "I", there is no thought about it. There is just the perception of what is. In every person's life are moments of pure perception occur, especially a lot of them in detstve.Razdelenie to "I" and "not me" - this is the beginning of the existence of the false "I". Then the false "I" acquires details: I'm a boy (girl), I so many years, I'm so, I'm so and so, I love what I do not like it, I want that, do not want, etc. Ideas about themselves accumulate and become a kind of stable structure, which is slowly changing with vremenem.Takzhe gradually formed a set of beliefs about the world in general, and this is also part of the false "I" .Pochemu mind can not comprehend the truth?
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Mind not only can not comprehend the truth ........ mind can not comprehend the paradoxes of love ............)))
From where there is love ........ and where it disappears?
What's more ...... love of God ...... or love of man and woman?
Why when people talk about God, then look at the top?
As if there want to see God ................)))
This is just an advertisement!
This is just super!
Good idea!
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Отредактировано Emmily (2015-02-23 00:43:15)
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In life, we always have to deal with the differences. Find differences - is a fundamental property of our mind. Can you show any sort of place on this planet, where it would be impossible to find differences where there would be no top or bottom, or left or right, no internal or external, where there would be no forms?
In life, we always have to deal with forms and their titles and definitions. Can you find at least one place in the world where there would be no forms of names and definitions? Even in the fog, we find and define the usual for a form. One can argue that forms exist as a result of a person's ability to find differences.
In this world, we always distinguish between opposites, both within the forms of things, and from the outside. Inside things we distinguish the left and right, top and bottom, inside and outside, and outside we contrasts things to each other, put them on different sides of the invisible border. And each of us spends its borders.)))
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